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How to start playing , lol ? There nothing in the map to be picked up or looted...Some wolves but no weapon....Cant craft either, once there is no Raw materials to start crafting a simple tool... :) Looking forward to jump 100% on this game , bro....

Thank you for the kind words, appreciate it. There is a crafting Menu (Tab and then use the Mouse Wheel to get to the Crafting page). You can also Build Houses, when you press B, you enter Building Mode. Have a look at the Controls Section for more Information

the man meant how do u even craft something when u dont have anything to craft with u cannot chop trees or get rocks because u have no hands or tools there are no raw materials

Yes..Thank you for english suport :P ....Craft menu is empty ...cant find even a single stone to pick it up.....I wasnt been rude or something....

shaguz can you send me a screenshot of your Crafting Menu, if it's empty then that would be some werd bug that I am unaware of

Crafting a hatchet doesn't cost anything right now, so you should be able to craft it. Btw you can gather wood by holding E while looking at a tree.