Thanks! Yeah, slapdash AI art puts me off, too. We had even discussed how much is too much in the Shrimp discord prior to starting work and the overall feel I got was basically that it's salt, and you don't want to over-salt your food or it gets ruined. What I did here is semi-painstakingly generate it myself over several iterations over several hours, chose which one evokes the right evocative feels, and applied some Photoshop touchups. In other words I tried to put more work into it than merely shoving single-prompt trash into the game. The title screen in particular I actually did spend a good chunk of time with manual Photoshop work to get that the way I wanted, with the background and typography being my own work, not AI generated. Fair enough, though, that's why I included the in game admission of it being AI generated-- I totally understand it putting others off.
I do personally, even in other people's games, much prefer a deliberately choosy AI generated-to-specs image over a zero-talent MS Paint nightmare that evokes nothing but sympathy, which in my case was the alternative. I also totally planned on having way more questions than the three I ended up with, and those wouldn't have had any generative AI involved at all, which could've balanced out the too-much-salt problem. This isn't a rebuttal, it's a complex agreement. 😜
Thanks for playing and for the honest feedback; it's genuinely appreciated.