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Hello JT!
First of all, thanks so much for writing such detailed feedback and for sharing your thoughts with me! I love hearing feedback from playes and it's great to hear everything you had to say! I don't know if I can address all your points fully, but I will do my best!

Thanks for the compliment on my username, hahah! It's a name I made up when i was 12, thought it was really cool, and it just stuck to me tbh. Later in life I found out, by some divine coincidence, that my username was also the name of the final boss in Sonic Adventure 2. Which is... kind of crazy lol. Ever since, all people usually say is "DAMN YOU LIKE SA2?!" and all I can say is that I have NEVER played it, hahah!

I am really glad the game impressed you overall! And that it even spurred the creation of an itch account! I did make sure to get nice and comfy too while reading :)

It's great to hear that the troubles I presented feel relatable to you, and others too. i want the characters to feel as real as possible, and tackling serious issues is a part of it. But I also wanted to make sure I don't cloud the game with negativity - these characters are just like us. They have ups. And downs. Things happen, they change, and people keep on living even if things are bad. It's what we all do day-to-day, and I want the cast to reflect that reality. I did my best to keep them consistent too!

I'm glad you had fun exploring various paths too! The tutorials are fun to write, so it's assuring to hear they're fun to read as cheeky 4th-wall-breaks too!

Grace is definitely a... "deliberate" departure from visual novel cast members. She has her own hard-to-access subplot going on, with hints littered through the game, but admittedly - the demo doesn't delve into it at all. There are beginnings of her "quest", but nothing meaningful can happen yet. I will take your advice and think about ways to allow the player to engage with her more earlier! But yeah, no matter what you do, Grace is never a huge fan of Syd. She has her own hang-ups, and problematic ways of dealing with them (ie blaming Syd for her "goal" being out of reach.)

You are right in guessing that, the more secrets Syd keeps from Maisy - the more she keeps from him!

Jayda doesn't ask for much. She's sweet and nice. But as you mentioned later on, her neediness and dependency can become detrimental...

Steph doesn't judge who Syd likes based off of free time usage - it's more about certain dialogue choices you make in front of her ;)She's VERY observant!

Stuart is a voice of reason among the chaos of their insane last few weeks of the high school year - it's true!

Syd is very much capable of strategic thinking! I wonder what you'll think in the full game - Syd's parents do one particularily embarassing thing to him based off of who he nominates that night ;)

I actually did my best to keep Syd being as compatible as possible with all the girls. I like your analysis, and it's great - but I did my best to keep it believable that Syd could potentially end up with ANY of the three heroines. Like you listed, there is a positive and negative to each relationship! Maisy and Syd have wicked chemistry that leads them both into their preferred power dynamics, meanwhile Steph can be so cold that she can't commit to Syd in the same way he expects him to commit to her at times. And you were spot on about Jayda's reliance and neediness. I definitely want to keep all their dynamics varied and interesting though! It's great to hear your interpretations - which are just as (if not more) valid than my authorial intent hahah.

I definitely get what youre saying when talking about only hugging Maisy. It's definitely a tough decision! Especially because I throw it in so early!

I worked SUPER hard on the exhibition, so I am glad it met your expectations! And pretty much everyone else's. It seems to be the highlight in a lot of people's eyes! There are three majorly different ways Syd can end the art exhibition - so I'm glad you had fun exploring your path! Keeping Maisy and Nacho under control is a tough battle, and just keeping things to one's self makes sense too! I'm glad you enjoyed giving Nacho the Mortal Kombat treatment. I wanted it to be a lot of fun!

Girl and the Beast is by the talented MadnessRage (here on twitter: Check out her art! She did the amazing painting, so watch her for more of it! If I end up doing merch, I'd love to get it printed out for people! (bomabrd me with requests, people!)

I do have a proofreader - but more hands on deck could certainly help! I have had a few typos reported to me, but if you end up playing some more and catching any, feel free to send the errors to me! Even just the typo out of context in text form is fine - I can search the scripts! : It is a LOT of writing, especially with branching paths, so I am sorry the typos have slipped through the cracks!

Stuart and Grace's parents are... interesting. They are conservative and like parading their children around, but 201X is a modern time. Grace's personality, and a more modern understanding of the world, means that she never faced intense homophobia from her parents. In fact, her mother sees it as "good for her brand." They're THOSE kinds of capitalists, hahah. Considering they both won major prizes at the prestigious art school's yearly competition, both of them have earned a lot of brownie points with their intense parents - thus they were allowed out. They know that keeping Grace and Stuart on a tight leash means allowing them to go off on their own and rewarding them when they do "good" - because they know they're gonna resist less and be more compliant if they're kept happy. In a weird way, they're a bit more insidious than just "being strict"...

Grace and Stuart parents are of vietnamese decent, but have very much embraced a lot of western values and "success" mindset. I will keep your suggestions in mind though!

It's great to hear that the game allowed you relive some high school days!

Also - it seems you're a canberra local?! Or have spent time here? I chose a shopping centre that was relatively far from me - but you did a good job of indentifying it! Canberra does have a unique look and atmosphere - and I really wanted to capture it in LoveSick Darlings!

I really love that you made the time reach and share your thoughts about LoveSick Darlings. It's seriously so great to see, and I love hearing from you and others! I'm so happy the story's heart spoke to you. This game came together thanks to the work of many other talented creatives, so I'm glad you wanna thank them too!

If you'd like to support the project, as you mentioned,  I can still offer certain kickstarter rewards! Contact me directly via tiwtter or discord and we can try work something out!

Also... it seems you noticed my sneaky little addition I put on Steam! Nice work! ;P

I can't promise there will be many, or any, more "Darlings" games at this point in time. But I'd really love to do more. Really. Making this game has been a lot of fun, and I'd love to revisit the VN format sometime! Keep your eyes out ;)

But for now, I hope you look forward to the full release of LoveSick Darlings!

Thanks so much again for writing to me, providing all this lovely feedback, and for supporting this project! I will be sure to be holding my head up super high once the game is finally out!



Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Hello again Mr BioLizard

Let me start by saying that it is a pleasure to finally come to know (at least a little) a Dimitri who is as good-natured as yourself. (The other one - let's just say that his character stood in sharp contrast to yours.) By the way, I haven't played any Sonic the Hedgehog games in a loooong time...

Thanks very much for your words which are an affirmation of the spirit, as I trust you generally found mine. After this, I will take up your kind suggestion to communicate via your other channels. (Perhaps I'm like a vampire who can't cross the threshold unless invited, but in truth I never have liked the idea of forcing my way into another's domain. I suck at sales.) So expect to hear from me there.

In addition to the encouragement, it was my hope that my feedback might be of use - which apparently it is. I play VNs primarily because I enjoy gaining insight into characters' personalities through their unfolding (not necessarily romantic) relationships with the protagonist. In a way, that's sort of the opposite of the protagonist making a choice to achieve a specific outcome - although without that important element nothing changes, of course. Alas, not too many VN writers worry about character consistency - they're probably more concerned with marketability - so it makes me glad when they could be bothered. It is one reason I commented favourably about yours.

I get this feed on Steam which offers 15 game suggestions at a time. I tend to purchase KNs, VNs and turn-based strategy (one of these things is not like the others!) so these tend to appear more frequently but I still get a whole bunch of other stuff in there - probably because I bought some FPS three years ago and who knows what else when. Anyway, as I was clicking through the feed and land on a VN, the trailer rolls and all of a sudden I hear this Aussie chick talking. The internal monologue pauses and confirms the accent then asks, What the hell is this doing on Steam? I got my answer and lost a bit of sleep over it, didn't I? ;)   But it was rather disappointing to learn that the title had appeared in my feed the very day after crowdfunding had ceased... So thanks for the chance to still get behind this.

Regarding concerns, I totally get that you can't catch all of the typo's and so on - especially when the script isn't the only thing you're worrying about (particularly for a project of this size!). In any case, when one is hunched over a keyboard at 2am furiously pounding away with a cold mug of coffee standing nearby, stuff like that is bound to sneak in here and there. Anyway, I really hope you didn't feel like I was giving you a serve.

Also, what you say about the Dao family can now be reconciled in my mind, although it is still unrepresentative. I had an idea that Grace batted for the other team but didn't imagine her mother would consider this helpful for her "brand". (Your comment tends to give me the impression that Mrs Dao is wearing the pants - not sure why that should be...) So the poor twins are effectively stuck in a Skinner box. Yes, sadly some people do exert control over others in this way. Enough said.

As to my knowledge of the local area, I spent a while in Woden (which ended in a bad way) plus a short stay in Queanbeyan (a relatively happier time), and I tended to traipse about the place a bit. I always found Lyneham shops to be a relaxing place for some strange reason - and, based on the photo, it doesn't appear to have changed terribly much since my last visit. I'm in Sydney these days.

Anyway, I'll be in touch. Hope it all goes well Dimitri.


PS: Sorry about the deleted posts - I forgot to switch on my JavaScript. With the first post, I thought it hadn't registered because all I saw in response was a page of HTML. With the second, I noticed the formatting was out of whack. Anyway, that's it and I'll go and pester you another time.

I am glad I can give all Dimitri's out there a good name!

You're all good, you can contact me wherever and however you like! :)

Consistency, as you've well surmised, is definitely the focus of LoveSick Darlings! Frankly, marketing the game has been a much bigger struggle as a "sales" mindset does NOT come to me naturally!

Oh, I'm glad the Steam algorithm gave this game to you! I do wonder how many people who download the game on Steam find it thanks to the queues that they do! I'm only sorry Steam sent my game to you once crowdfunding was over...

No, no, I totally get what you're saying about typos! I completely and totally understand! :D

I can't I know much about what the best kind of representation is, but the basic idea is that I am basing a lot of the family dynamics and relationships in this game off of the experiences of myself and my friends when growing up. I definitely apologize if it comes off as ingenuine or wrong, especially in regards to culture. I may have been experiencing anomalies and unusual situations with my friends. Stuart and Grace's mum is definitely the more intense one! But their Dad is much the same in his support - he's just a bit more stoic and strict. But he trusts Stu and Grace's mum to "handle the kids" with her overbearing and business-like mindset.

Woden is not my favourite part of town either! Lyneham shops are definitely nice though :)

Thanks for all the kind words and feedback JT! I look forward to hearing from you!