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It’s got too bad here, drones are coming by dozens each night, and then rockets. A few days ago the air raid lasted for 12 hours. We still survive only due to the dense western air defenses aroynd Kyiv, other cities don’t have them, there’re victims each day after russian terrorists hit another apartment building. And if trump wins next month, the ammo supply will end and everything will be over for Kyiv.

There’s not much left to finish for the episode release, but with this hell and constant electricity outages I can’t give any estimates. We will still try to do something. 


Hey! I totally get it if you say no, but I’d like to help with the game. Here’s the thing: I’m not great at finding or fixing problems in the code, but I can spot issues while playing the game. I would take a long time because I’d want to check every little thing in the gameplay. I usually have about 7 hours of free time each day, unless I have to work extra. Also, I'm not sure how to let a developer know if I find a problem, especially if it’s something that could really mess up the game. I wouldn’t want to just post here saying, "Hey, I found a bug at this spot that could cause big trouble." I want to help, but I don’t expect anything in return, unlike the developers. I just want to pitch in for now while things are tough.

(1 edit)

that took forever to get down and sound how i wanted it to sound

We already tried to work with two different programmers - it’s just complicated. I have to design the whole script anyway, and then I want to know each element of the code to further work with it. Otherwise players will report glitches in the game and I won’t have any idea how to fix them. And the code is mostly ready, it just needs a lot of testing of different nuisances now.

Plus we need to do a lot of polishing of animations and text, that is something only we can do.

I am a citizen from Russia and I understand you very much. I hope you don't blame us civilians, because it's not our fault. Your game is great and deserves to continue and grow in development, I'm sure everything will be fine. A peaceful sky over your head

It depends. I don’t have anything against those who are against the war and putin. Yet there’re many who openly support this maniac and enjoy watching Ukrainian cities burn, or those who turn away seeing the corpses of Ukrainian children lying in the rubble stating they “don’t care about politics”. If they support the war they’re obviously guilty of it, even if they don’t participate in it personally.