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Hi thor171,

That's really weird! I just installed a clean copy of Ubuntu 18.04.3 on a VM and downloaded the dpkg from here then opened the file (didn't even need to use the Terminal, don't know if that's new) then ran `gb-studio` and it opened as expected. Only things I installed were virtualbox-guest-utils and virtualbox-guest-dkms packages, potentially they could have included some dependencies that made it work :-/

Assuming you followed the instructions at the only other thing I could suggest if you're comfortable is installing from source. If you have git, nodejs and yarn installed you can clone the git repository and then install the dependencies by running `yarn` and start the application with `npm start` 


Thanks for you answer Chris,

I solved the problem, somehow. There was an environment variable in my .bashrc which was set "wrong". I commented it out and everything is running fine. strace gb-studio showed, that it couldn't find the needed libs, that's why I was thinking it should be something about an environment variable.
Guess I have to find another way to point to my programmer device's driver.

Anyway, thanks for your help. When my cartridge is working, we have to talk about its special functions support in GB-Studio ;-D