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(2 edits)

Honestly this game surpassed my expectations... It's an amazing game that has interesting diolague and personalities for each character, my only complaint are very minor and I am sure could be fixed eventually with an update patch.

1. I'm dying for a new update and fresh new features 

2. Very rarely but I had to Re-read a sentence maybe 3 or 4 times because one world didn't really fit into a sentence or was a word ahead or behind where it should be however it was very easy to understand the diolague text and move on... The UI for the Quests section some times requires a few Tapd to open, could be that I don't have small figures but maybe a slight adjustment to the UI and larger button icons in some areas might help give us a smoother gameplay.

3. More like some suggestions and potential features I would love to see apart from what you already have planed and working.

I'd love to see more animation if possible for instance when a character is talking there is a little movement like they look around or so on when in diolague with a character and maybe slightly more animations in the sex scenes if you have time, so it feels slightly more like decent hentai a great example of what I mean is when "Trixi Star" the dance teacher gets the students to dance the dance animation was absolutely brilliant, would love to see a little more life like movement in other scenarios and existing sex scenes or conversation just so it's less static...   It's great so far though :)

I know we already have states and some work in progress stuff but it would be cool to eventually have a slightly more social media aspect to the game such as how "Priti" helps us set up a social media profile, it would be cool to be able to text other Staff and students, maybe eventually leading to new features and benefits based on popularity and hornyness levels and so on.

That's all I got for now, love the game and keep the content coming:D