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The production value on this for a gamejam game is frankly insane. While there are a few things that still make the rushed production time somewhat obvious, they're also the sorts of things you'd sometimes run into on an actual gameboy game (stuff like the dialogue occasionally clipping slightly outside the box due to being very slightly too long), so like... I mean... at least the few very small things feel pretty authentic.

Like... what do I even say to a game like this, where the music is this good, the sounds this well done, the visuals this charming, the game just this overall fun and polished for what is, again, a gamejam game?


Let's see.

The idea of a dash as a Metroidvania progression ability is fun, especially in the context of how floating works. I actually kind of like that taking damage lets you kinda damage boost to places you aren't "supposed" to be with your current abilities yet, I actually think that sort of thing can make a Metroidvania better, and while it's probably technically a bug, it's probably worth keeping that sort of thing in mind for the finished game since it can actually potentially be better for the game for it to have quirks like that.

The floating around is definitely a pretty unique feel for a platformer and a Metroidvania, in a way that works really well for being a ghost, and mixed well with the aforementioned dash.

The soundtrack helped really set the mood of this, kinda a bit lighthearted but a bit spooky at the same time, a thing the writing fit well as well, as did the visuals.

Oh yeah, I appreciate that the first attack you get in this (currently the only one) is fairly weak but serviceable enough for the kinds of things you're thrown against, I imagine that later on there will be better attack abilities to work with in typical Metroidvania fashion, and making sure to start the player feeling weak generally helps make those later abilities feel great to use to finally take out those tougher enemies in a more satisfying way.

Also, the way you wall off progress until you get the dash is pretty effective, I like that you can see the whole path from above even before you have the ability so you can properly scope out what kind of ability it is you're going to need later.

...I do also have a few more thoughts on the gameplay that aren't quite as positive, but for what it's worth, the good very heavily outweighs the bad.

Obviously, since you're playing as a ghost, the movement feeling float is on purpose, so while I have a few tweaks I'd potentially suggest, they're hard to articulate and pretty small overall and I won't linger on some very very small nitpicks with that. However, what I have a feeling isn't intentional is... some of the, uh, bugs? To name one example, I kept getting told that I was back at the start on screen transition after a certain point, not entirely sure why. Not enough to be game-ruining or anything, but it's something worth a mention.

I can only imagine though that the bugs are just a side effect of being a gamejam game that didn't have time to work out bugs like that and will likely be fixed in the finished game some day.

However, it's still worth a mention given that if not for those bugs and some other nitpicks I have with the gameplay, I probably would be awarding this game a literally perfect score right about now in literally every single category.

...yeah. I liked this one, suffice to say. I really liked this one.