So I found another couple issues with "Chili Con Carnal Sin". A couple updates ago Jo's background sprite stopped showing up in front of the mini fridge when you go down to get milk for Flora. The mini fridge still has the same dialogue about putting your hand between her legs if you just try to access it without first distracting her. Her dialogue sprite also still shows up once you have successfully distracted her too.
The other I just found via chapter select, though using a save from a full run also netted the same results. If you wait until after you have given Flora the skirt in "Stainless Steal" to collect and bring home the cooking pot in "Chili Con Carnal Sin" Flora's background sprite will show her wearing her jeans even though her dialogue sprite will show her with the chef's hat and skirt. This inconsistency also shows up once you come back down after getting her phone. You will find her jeans on the floor instead of her skirt.
I'm currently trying my hand at making a full FAQ/walkthrough for this beast of a game so I'll keep my eyes open for more issues as I keep replaying everything. It's my first time trying something like this and it has made me come to appreciate even more just how much work you have put into this thing. I'm only 146,000 words in and it feels like it's taken forever just to do that. So thank you again for the incredible amount of work you put into making this thing!