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Heya Ramza I haven't updated your plugin in a couple months and just did so. Since I have been getting a crash when I change classes then go into the equip window. I also use your optimize on job change script so when I change the class it changes my weapons so I am not sure if this has anything to do with the crash.

Also the crash happens when I have weapons that can be equipped when it optimizes and when I have none that can be equipped. I'll post a pic of the crash and will keep looking into it but I thought I would run it by you and see if you had any thoughts.

I updated the Dual Wield and X DW Menu Extension plugins only.  The crash also only seems to happen to classes that dual wield. If I turn off your optimize on job change and menu extension plugins and it still crashes, but turning off dual wield fixes the issue. I didn't change any parameters after updating. And finally this didn't happen with version 2.57 of dual wield but does with the latest version.

Ok bud, hope that info helps I'll let you know if I come across anything else.



Sorry for the problem here, but the error code you posted is just what I needed to track this down. The problem here is that I believe you are using an old save to test your project, before you installed the new version of this plugin. That function causing the error is checking an array that should be present on all weapons as of the 2.62 update - specifically, even weapons that do not prevent the use of other wtypes will still have this value, it's simply blank, so it doesn't cause this error.

The simplest way to prevent this error is to start a new save-game in your project to test. I have just uploaded version 2.65, which will also correct this issue (causing crashes isn't good, even if the reason isn't exactly the plugin's fault).

Hey there Ramza, the update fixed the crash. Huge thanks for your amazing and speedy work. I just wanted to let you know though in case it may help things on your side, I was always starting a new game when it crashed I never tried to load a save.


Hmm. That is odd. Perhaps this bug was not related to the save problem at all, and my little patch corrected a different issue - one where if one of the actors was detected as having no weapon in either hand at some point, it would try to pull an undefined value from a weapon that didn't exist, rather than an undefined value on a weapon that was simply missing the required value in the first place.

In either case, I suppose the patch fixed it. Do let me know if you notice any other weird crashes like that one.