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Nice submission! Well done for using 3D graphics the presentation was very nice. The gameplay was good however I did notice the bullets colliding with explosions, I'm not sure if that was intended? Keep up the great work :)

You're very kind to say so lol. The collision with explosions was unintentional, but noticed. Just one of those bugs I never got around to fixing once I got into the swing of things.

It did make me think however, about the chain explosions from old bomberman games. 


You could get around it by making the particle explosions (if instanciated in worldspac) be on a different layer and turn off collisions  for your projectiles and explosions. Also yeah that was pretty cool that they chained and also had a similiar thought :D


I think I'll give that a try, because I noticed that some make it through!  I figured that it was something to do with the AOE collider I made for the explosion, but decided to move on before I time sank too hard.  Thank you so much for the feedback and suggestions.