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Today, I woke up and almost instantly started work towards the next update. The next update will be out within a week as I am having everyone in my discord test the game before it goes live on itch.

I want all bugs to be fixed from now on before I upload any more files which is why I am using the discord for testing. The game probably won't be available for download again until the beta is ready for release.

Today I worked a little bit on the graphics and lighting, it is really hard to see the difference though. I also started working on company expansion, which for now is a fixed location being behind you. You walk up to the wall and if you have the money (left-click) and the wall will be destroyed giving you more room for storage or anything that I add in future updates. The UI's in the game now properly scale based on resolution. I am still working on certain parts of the UI being a little bit too small to see. Also the performance of the game on a 2015 Model MacBook Air is pretty good. It kept a steady 200 fps, while rarely dropping below that with 650+ boxes in the one area. (this is on my settings - NOT MAXED OUT)

The new expansion system is shown below. It was pretty easy to implement, but in the future I would like to allow you the ability to destroy any wall you want and build where ever you like. Same with the storage and stuff that will be buildable inside the Company Building.

The game also has a music player, which right now just plays the same song in a loop until the game is closed. I will work on a custom music player so you can listen to all of your songs that you have on your computer. I also will start working on a better Appeal / Demand system for parts so you don't make tons of money from every computer that you build. Anyway that is it for today, don't forget to join the discord to be able to test the game and help me fix all problems with the game. Don't forget to check out the store page as well.