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and hy with others yes?

I'm sorry but gamemaker gives you options with what operating system to make the game for I only have a Windows option but I do not have a 32 bit version of it to test it with

but why the others games i can play them peacifully but this if you dont have the version!?

I'm sorry I make all my fan games in the same version if the other games work for you then I don't know what wrong with the other one

check my channel and youll see

I see the other games work but i'm sorry I don't know why this game doesn't work then

you had other version of game maker when you did this?

No I only have gamemaker 1.4 and that has windows and android but android doesn't work and I only use the windows version otherwise when I'm done with the game I can't test it

then remake it!

then remake it!

I'm sorry but no I'm not going to remake this game