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Hello! I just played the demo, finished it in two sittings (had family visiting today). Here is my feedback, although I should let you know that I am not a game developer myself, and this is the first time I've ever commented on something!

I really enjoyed the artwork, the music, and the storytelling- I especially liked the fact that before exploring, there were parts on the map were blacked out. It added to a sense of unease, which perpetrated the entire game. I definitely felt placed in the world-- anxious for what could pop up and possibly hurt my roadwarden or horse. The journal also helped for remembering names and what was already talked about. Maybe impliment something in the journal that calls note to time sensitive quests would be useful, although not doing that could also force the player to be more careful and pay attention to detail.

I think when it comes to investigating things (the sections where you input text on what you want to look at), you could possibly implement an area where the things are more "obvious" to investigate? Or, perhaps edit one you already have. For example, the stone building-- put a more obvious sign on the inside, a campfire, etc that would prompt players to start playing with it in that way. The suggestions were a nice jumping off point, but maybe a section with more "obvious" things to look at would help players get a better sense of the feature, especially those who have not played text RPGs before. I'm thinking of video essays I've watched about intuitive tutorials, where game play got players to figure out what they needed to do without explicit text. I think the tree did this a little bit. After I guessed and put in cut to cut the branches and noticed the blood-like fluid, I knew to sacrifice blood to the tree.

I really enjoyed the game and the characters. I was sad when the demo ended! I'm looking forward to the finished game, and hope my ramble-y feedback was at least somewhat useful. 

Dear innocentking,

I'm honored to receive your first comment! Feedback is definitely not reserved for game developers, and I appreciate that you've decided to describe both your enjoyment and the things that you perceive as shortcomings.

And I think that you're right - the dolmen requires more effort on my side and more visual clues. It's one of the oldest parts I've added to the game, and after reading your comment I think it needs to be updated to better reflect the quality I'm aiming for.

Thank you once again!