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I loved the game, and was really into it! There was a few small nitpicks I noticed here and there, but overall it was a seriously great game! So nitpicks... Ginger's hair colours are flipped on the world sprite and talking sprite. I managed to give ginger the fish before she said she needed the fish, and afterwards the quest menu said I still needed fish. Quest still worked fine tho. I also noticed a treasure chest in the fishing minigame, but couldn't do that again after collecting the fish. Would've been nice if I could have had a few more attempts at fishing. Healing at save points was very inconsistent, sometimes you got healed, and sometimes you didn't. Not sure if there was some mechanic I was missing, but whenever a save spot didn't heal me, I quit to the menu and loaded the save with full health. When I was looking for the ancient cave the first time, I found it, and wanted to explore ahead before checking out the cave. I then found that the world loops, and I couldn't get back to where I was without traversing the whole world again, just to get to the cave for a quick cutscene. Also, this ancient cave place was super hard, the first few rooms were crazy dense with new and weird enemies, that made this place brutal. I eventually did get through, but on so little health, that I spent fifteen minutes farming rotten (healing fruits, don't remember their names) from the scaredy bat. 

Anyways, they are all little nitpicks, I loved the demo, and really want more. That 'thanks for playing' hurt a bit, cos I really wanted to see what was gonna happen...