As far as not being able to find the marketplace, no, i didn't check my inventory. My reasoning was "well, I don't have any gear that's stashed away in my inventory, so no point checking it!" Only after I grabbed my first couple of invaders did I bother checking the inventory tab, and that's when I found the market, making me feel about as dumb as a box of rocks.
As far as the Itch rule about "glorifying sexual violence" goes, there are other games here that skirt the issue a bit, albiet in different ways, such as not actually showing it on screen, or not having the links to download on itch. A notable, and very popular game, simply has the game description and a link to his patreon, where the game is provided for free. Another game has the violence and sexual content separated by a fade to black and a few lines of dialogue in between a fistfight with the person being subjugated and receiving a blowjob from the losing combatant.