I understand that. I didn't mean to sound offending to which I apologize. But I'm a game dev as well, working of my game for over 5 years now and still updating. And I'm not rich either. So I know what it's like. But I keep my games free for people to play.
You and me do need money, but I don't think it's good to lock people out of playing these games in the long run. If it's payed, then not many people will play it unless it's a huge title like those on steam.
The ideal alternative would be to do what itch luckily includes. Where you can optionally donate but play games for free still. I'll do it too in the future once I'm able to. Good people still exist and they will support you when they like your content and efforts and reward you for that when they can.
Like I said. I don't mean to sound rude or offending. I still respect you. But I hope you at least understand the point of view from someone who follows and developer who doesn't have much money either.
If you want, we can talk more on Discord for example since I don't wanna fill this section up with this topic either. Tho right now this is the only way we can talk.
But I'll understand when you wouldn't want to after me saying these things and creating a text wall...