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Very cool sim! I have been flying the micros line-of-sight but dont really know how to fly. Didnt even know there was such a thing as a drone/quad fpv sim. I heard about sims in a youtube video. To my surprise,  FPVFreerider  even runs on Linux!!! I tried the demo and it just worked. If anyone uses linux then you know theres usually alot of fiddling to get stuff to work. Freerider literally found my USB nintendo switch controller and was ready to go. When my demo time ran out i promptly bought a copy.   I'm running Ubuntu19.10 if any linux users are wondering if this may work for them.

Are there any more maps that can be added/modded in? Any chance of a "multiplayer" mode? like a LAN game fly together.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it and that it works well on your setup!

There is also FPV Freerider Recharged that has some more maps, and also the full level editor included:

Multiplayer is not planned at the moment.