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Hey, I just released my new update ^^

you can read the patchnotes in the description

(2 edits)

I really love the new changes.
The HP Regeneration is the best and Foxy is a balanced champ.
Because of the prices of stats, you should probably have a gold rune or neutral monsters. LMAO just kidding.
I really love how you buffed Bunninja like a lot.His combos are sick and still is a balanced champ.
Oml, Huntersman's third skill is fucking sick. Raven's gonna get asskicked.
Too bad I can't purchase the Full Version because I don't have credit card and stuff. :(
Anyway, great game. I'm looking forward for the next patch. ;)

btw Fi'reat's wings are pretty badass.

Deleted 7 years ago