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Overall is a pretty fun little game! I think the only two things that bug me are:

  • For some reason, sometimes an input will just stick so the present keeps going max speed in one direction. This bug seems to persist between playthroughs so I have to relaunch the game in order to keep playing.
  • It would be a nice quality of life feature if there was invisible collision before the chimney, because I find my first instinct is to try moving out of the way so I can see the upcoming obstacles better... but I end up falling outside the chimney. It also could probably rescue runs where it starts out with the above input bug.

But besides that it is a cute concept with nice music and graphics. The physics based gameplay is frustrating, but enjoyable to conquer and learn well.


Thanks for playing it! I didn't know that bug was present in my game (hehe), never happened to me, but thanks for pointing it out. And at first I though it'll be funny to be able to fall outside the chimney, but yeah, maybe there should be more vision without having to move the present throughout the screen. Thank you again!