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(1 edit)

I liked the December level. It was very challenging and took me at least 1/2 an hour. I can't say the same for the January one, however. It was sort of simple and took me about 5 minutes. I do have an idea for "Heartbreaker" mode where one (or two!) mistakes ends the game. If you beat it, you could get a "H" medal or something similar

hey jdfamnlj, thanks for the feedback! yeah the january one is meant to be 'for the person who has never played the game before', its like an alternative first stage. Whereas the december one was for the person who had completed the entire game, so yeah pretty much completely opposite difficulties.

Heartbreaker mode is a cool idea!! Functionally it would be the same as trying to get an S rank (except it just ends automatically rather than you restarting), which is why i wanted to use it only for the challenge levels and boss nightshift modes. But we could do it as a gauntlet, beat many stages in a row on 2-3 lives only. Maybe you have to beat all the levels in that act in a row, with heartbreaker mode, and its also doublespeed?


That would be impossible and rage inducing. I love it