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Oxy you're gonna make me cry hahaha. This is SO wonderful to read. Thank you so much for the time you give. This one was a DOOZY haha. 

Thanks for the heads up about the bugs. I think they're fixed in the new update. I think I straight up just... didn't write him giving her the key hahaha. There's were so many different threads and paths and options it was really hard to keep track of what was "done" and if something wasn't done, well good luck finding it it's pages down some conditional branch on some long event page haha. 

Yeah I made the music beepbox! I've been practicing and getting better and faster at it. Axel has given me some tips too, like trying out random instruments with Shift+R to just try shit that the engine can make up but would be hard for you to manually adjust the settings to. The spooky sound effects are all sounds I've recorded and then edited. A lot of them are old fog horn type sounds, I used to live near the water. 

I really waffled back and forth on balance for this one. There's a balancing aspect that gets really complicated when you allow "healing" of either resource. Like I could write pages and pages about how much I debated to myself about it haha. I agree it's not perfectly balanced, I'll prob keep it as is right now and fiddle with it and add more things to affect her energy / shame. Like napping, or taking pictures (I rly wanted a picture taking mini game but alas haha) some nice self care activities to replenish her energy. The "zone out" skill is there as a kind of "just in case" because it's a jam game and I know it's not perfect. I was worried about accidentally soft locking someone. You could absolutely just use it repeatedly and get all ur energy back but as you said, it's a bit slow and not very fun. Maybe just a little bit on purpose, though. 

Really glad you liked the visuals, I love water colors irl and was stoked to find a program/brush that could emulate the pretty well. By the end I was starting to recognize the "pattern" of the brush I was using haha but still very good water color effects for a drawing program. 

And yeah you got the story right on! That's exactly it. I really dread the "wall text info dump" and try my best to avoid it. I still think it's a Liiiiittle info dumpy at the end haha. But there's some clues you can find about Dolly and her sister before the final confrontation (you found them in her room) but it's on the list to add more little hints sprinkled in. I'm glad you understood it, I was so worried it's way too outta left field right at the end haha. But I'm glad it resonated. 

Thank you again Oxy for the wonderfully kind comment and all the energy you put out there!! 

ohh thank you for the beepbox tip! i'll definitely keep trying it out and seeing what i can do with it :> and wow i didn't know those were fog horns sounds, that's actually really cool haha.

if you don't mind sharing your hidden secrets, i'd like to ask how did you do the sliding face pictures that appear in conversations? i noticed it also at the beginning cutscene of your previous game, and it's a really cool effect! (you don't have to share it if you don't want to ofc, i understand the need of not revealing your tricks to your competition- XD srsly tho if you don't that's okay haha)


Yeah it’s not some big secret at all! It’s just move picture. So I show/set the picture just off screen and then have it move. It’s easier in MZ because you can use quicker placement whereas with MV you have to use pixel coordinates. But just show picture, starting with just a sliver of the image on the edge of screen and then move picture 60 seconds, you can adjust how fast it does it (I did slow start slow end to give it that wave feeling). I used common events so it was easier to do quickly as I went along. I had a MC1 in and MC1 out common events for the images coming and going. 

It’s funny, honestly I think bust images are so fiddly they drive me nuts haha. Every time I do them I regret it cuz it’s just! Fiddly! But they add a lot and you can do a lot with them. I think HoneyNutFemios is a good example of doing bust images and movements really effectively. Move picture is also how I did the waves effect at the start of drift away. There’s so much you can do with them. WAY easier with MZ tho. Less math haha. 

i see! i didn't know that the "move picture" command was for this, probably should've guessed haha. sadly i only have mv so guess i'll have to do math lol, but i'll look into how to use it and make it look good. thank you for answering!! :>

hey i just saw you're hosting the next game jam right? congrats on moving up the ranks!! haha :D


ahaha thanks! These have gotten more popular so B needs help watchin for spam and the like. I hope ur thinking of joining! 


i am! and when it starts i'll also finally join the discord server hehe >:D