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Is it on purpose that leaf counter doesn't reset if you play twice in a row?

In demo I could jump down but in full product I couldn't? Is this right or do I have to check for some weird Wine things since I played this on Linux :P

Other thing that little bit annoyed me was music stopping when falling out of the map sound plays. If you do quick restart it interrupts music rather roughly. Better solution would be bringing background music down in volume and back up again at respawn.

I love the experience and hoped game would have secrets :3

Yoyo, it was on purpose so you have some sort of progression going if you wanna play it twice in a row, but now I'm wondering how much sense it makes, maybe I should change it...

What do you mean with jumping down?

Also yeah I guess I've intended that as a bit of a punishment, the music reset, but maybe it takes you out of it too much... I'll test how it feels with only lowering the music volume!

Thanks for the feedback~

(1 edit)

So in the demo when I am on thin gray platform I can go through the platform if I press down. Main game I can't. It is just weird differences :P

Ooh, right I've changed that later on to make access to some parts of the map more interesting xD Because I realized there aren't alot of other platforming elements, I've made them solid from one side to create these one-way paths