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I just uploaded a fix that might reduce the chances of the game crashing  during  trials. Could you see if that works for you? 

Everytime I submit the evidence of raven's diary mentioning an audience, game crashes.  Reinstalled, redid everything up to that point, second I do that to progress, crashes without fail

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It activates my anti-virus every time at the same spot post-update. If I turn it off it still crashes.

If it's activating your anti-virus it might be that your anti-virus quarantined a file the game needs at that point. You might need to check your anti-virus's log after extracting the game to see if it has quarantined anything.

If that doesn't work, does it crash when pressing submit, mid-screen transition, or at some point after returning to the trial scene? I'm not seeing any errors in the code so far, but usually a memory related crash wouldn't happen so consistently in the same spot...

For me it's not an antivirus thing, its I submit the evidence, go through the dialogue, loads to where Anne says "Anyway her diary mentioned there being an audience" and then promptly crashes. Doesn't start to transition to the next dialogue or anything either.

That is very strange...  There is no unique code running on that line. So, it seems like it must be memory-related. But Anne and Eliza both are loaded earlier in the scene so any  increase in memory usage on that line would be small. I'll work on  seeing if I can reduce the memory load further.

Oh I had one other thought. Are you playing windowed, or are you forcing it into full screen via alt+Enter? If you are forcing it into full screen, you might get a lower memory load by playing in windowed. Full screen uses larger resolution images, which take more memory.

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I was playing in windowed, also happens in full screen though

I found the issue. I misspelled a call line a few lines down from where it crashes for you. I suppose the game pre-loads the calls to make them smoother, so the bug wasn't in the exact spot the crash happens.

I just uploaded a fix for it now.

Yup that fixed it~ Nice work on the game overall btw

Glad that worked, and thanks. :)