Very good news are coming, but in order not to scare them away, we will not announce them just yet. Meanwhile, the Slavic people continue to disappoint us to this day… Therefore, having described the big fish, today we will share with you the work to which we have devoted our recent time. This work consists of translating, adapting, and finalizing the routes, or more precisely, "branches."
We have already shown you our map before, but only today we decided to talk about it in a little more detail. The reason for this was, of course, the huge amount of work done. Moreover, the finalization of the routes is still ongoing. To make it clearer to you, this huge schedule is needed first of all so that when developing various choices and consequences, romantic connections, and so on — we do not get confused in what is happening up there. Naturally, for players or readers of our "Town," this graphic will not be useful because you simply will not see it.

It is the same as throwing you a walkthrough. And yet, without these graphs, the novel would have acquired many plot dead ends, contextual inconsistencies, and so on. To put it even more simply, without such a graph for each game day and each route separately, Luke Skywalker would never have learned the history of his family.
And now a little more specifics, which can be seen in the screenshots. In particular, we have demonstrated DP and TP. These are the two main types of points with which the player will build his personality.
Some may decide that this is all about romance, about the question of morality, like whether you are bad or good, but… this is not the case here. Our approach to development was initially somewhat more complex and more focused on you as a person than on your morality and love preferences. DP, roughly speaking, speaks about your constructive approach to everything you see, while TP, on the contrary, characterizes you as a person who is led through life by emotions. These are only two main characteristics out of four, but we are not really here to discuss them. By choosing one or another answer, each player builds His Identity.
Then, why do you have a portrait of Molly on the screenshot, you ask? What does this character have to do with your Identity? It's very simple.
Communicating with different characters, you show your character as he is. You build him with bricks. However, with all your "personal" character building, there are other people in the town of Akuṇagi, of course. Our novel is not a game where every NPC will adapt to you. Like Prise to the HOLY player! As a metter of fact, we can't see them as NPC for a while now. And… we are building World, and not your personal Castle here.People can disagree with you.
We have already talked about this several times. Your choices serve not only for you but also to show youre Identity to others. Thus, if our Molly receives a DP or TP answer from you, her reaction will not be the only one that has variations. She will make a certain conclusion about you, which can lead to a certain ending; include a romance with her or exclude it.
After all of the above, imagine that we are not talking about One Choice at all. We are talking about a whole series of choices and decisions, building a characters, and You as a Player in different routes for different people with… different reactions for youre personality and etc.
Finally, you can notice the black figure on the screens. These pictures symbolize personal routes in our graphs. Those routes that will be detached from the plot but will have an exclusively personal, not at all romantic Insides. Moreover, here I would like to add that the other routes are not necessarily romantic… By the way, it would also be necessary to remind you that such a system with the construction of the player as a person, characteristic points, and so on sets you for quite unusual goals. If in most other novels, you are used to achieving a route through labyrinths and solutions, then with us things are a little different. If you, say, love solitude (which you emphasize with your behavior in the novel), then it will be very easy to get to the route of a similar theme or a similar character. Something else will be difficult in this sistem.
Getting what you Really want.Do you know what it is?