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Nice game! I have a couple of criticisms though. Some of the skills are not explained. What is the hit rate of this spell? How much damage does it do compared to other stuff? There is also no way to see what debuffs I have or the enemy has and what those debuffs do. Also I encountered a bug that breaks the game and ruins the save file. I don’t know what triggered it but after a couple deaths and upgrades, the next battle I entered just froze. Ironmouse’s turn indicator wouldn’t fill up and none of the enemies attacked. Resetting the game and continuing didn’t fix it.

That is a dozy of a bug. Never ran into that in my playtesting. Do you remember what upgrades you had purchased?

Yep, my hunch was right. The "Undying" upgrade is causing a loop. I'll need to rework it. Thanks for the catch!

Oh, I was about to reply and you found it already. You are welcome. Simply going around and fighting enemies was fun. I might play a little more later today.

Yeah, that particular upgrade was a punk to code. I figured if something broke, it would be that. 

Oh well. While I've been reworking it, I've found a handful of spelling errors and some mismatched portraits, so fixes all around. Should have a fix implemented shortly. Let me know if you find anything breaking down.

Uhh, I think I found another broken thing. One of the upgrades removes one of the demon arts from Ironmouse entirely.

(1 edit)

So it does. The final tier of the "Crippling Seal" upgrade borks up for some reason. Which is exceedingly odd, because all the other tiers work just fine, and they are coded the exact same way. Hmm...

EDIT: There we go. The final tier of the skill was flagged wrong, so it was getting lost. Easy fix, I'll post a patch in the morning.