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How do you make paragraphs to show one by one? And how do you make the links to blink? These two effects make the game much more engaging. Is it possible to show me the code for these effects? I want to use that in my game as well! 

Hi, I'm using SugarCube 2.3.

For the paragraphs, this link is really helpful

To make the blinking links, I'm using a fade-in/fade-out animation on a:hover

@-webkit-keyframes fade-in-out
 to {opacity: 1}
 50% {opacity: 0}
@keyframes fade-in-out
 to {opacity: 1}
 50% {opacity: 0}

I found a similar solution for blinking but the slow fade is cool! I am going to implement that. Thank you so much for the answer!