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The polish on this game in incredible. It looks great, and the storytelling and worldbuilding is really fun and effective. I love trying to decide for myself what I would do in this silly case before considering how to keep people happy. Feels just like being a corrupt judge, haha.

I ended up failing around day 10 because the peasants kept going down, while the other two were stuck at 100. I think that early on I slightly tipped the scales, and since the reputation system looks at everything at once, it just kept lowering the peasants even though I wasn’t doing anything to them. It was also difficult to fix because none of the cases changed stats by enough to do anything either way. (There also seems to be a bug where the wrong verdict can be selected)

But overall the game was still an awesome experience and one of the best narrative-driven games I’ve played. Nice work!


Hello! Thanks for giving our game a shot! Sorry to hear about that "opposite cards" bug. We got that fixed and are waiting for the jam to end to push an update. Also, yes, peasants start off waaaaay to aggro. Also fixed that in our prepared update. From what I've gotten to playtest with this next update, you have a lot better control of who you want to focus on when improving your rep with a specific faction. Regardless, I appreciate you giving the game some time and also for your feedback!

- S. "Essay"