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What do you do at the part where you go into the mine at night, after turning in your quota? I keep trying to exit but Arridaios keeps saying "He's still there" and the only person who i can think of is the miner inside of the little quota place, who keeps repeating "Only 7..." 

I don't know what to do here and am stuck.

Btw I adore the game. Really wanna get unstuck so I can keep playing.

(1 edit)

Ahh prob a bug. After you talk to valentina.  You need to turn in 10 Iron to the building inside the mines. Then when you go out, pick up the dead miner and exit the cave. It'll turn dark. Then you need to pay the 10Kel to another building. Talk to the tax collector guy and give him the 10Kel. Then you can go back to your apartment or explore more.