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Wow! I should've known some team was going to make an FMV game for the jam. That was exceedingly charming! I like the photorealistic yet fantastical art direction. I like the puzzles, especially how they all tied into the theme of scales and the opposite ends of things.

The film is also quite competent. I didn't notice a lot of rough edges and awkward transitions I usually see in indie FMV projects; it was seamless. I particularly liked the scene with the snail in the background; it's an inspired choice.

It's a little buggy in spots; clicking one too many times on an object or dialogue tended to get me soft-locked. Although, for a point-in-click made in 96 hours, it has less bugs than can be expected (except in Grimblestone, of course).

It was a smart decision for the game jam to have the more explicit hint system, but I also appreciate that the final puzzle wasn't too hand-holding; it left a couple of things unsaid.

I was not ready for the ending. How charming!

So, about the "purple dot" glitch. The first time I loaded up the game, a bunch of the dial textures in the first puzzle didn't load in, being a default magenta.

I assumed that this was a Firefox problem and switched to Chrome, but then it didn't happen on Firefox again. So, I started the game on a private tab, and then it happened again. It seems to happen at random on first playthroughs on any browser, when the game has to load and cache the assets.

Here's a general sample of the errors I get in browser:

Note that this happens with random graphic files, not specifically Ivy.png. "Idle" and "Snow" also popped up a lot.

I use GDevelop and I've never had this problem. However, I have worked with how finicky RPG Maker MV's on-play asset loading is, and I suspect that this might be a problem with GDevelop interfacing with while loading the rest of the graphics in the background during play. I'm not even sure if the main problem is GDevelop,, or just the inherently finicky nature of web connections. I don't know what a good solution would be, since I usually just make my games load all assets before starting, and that might not be practical for a much larger web project.

All-in-all, fantastic! Great work!


Hey, thank you so much for the lovely feedback and also  for all this great information on the bug!  It's so helpful to us, and very much appreciated!

I think you're definitely onto something with loading all assets before starting. I haven't enabled that, so I shall give that a try and see if that helps fix the bug. We're going to have a good look into it and hopefully get the problem solved for an update soon after the jam ends. 

Thank you so much for all your help! Me and my brother made this game together, but I also make games under the name Cloud Lantern and you gave me some really helpful feedback on a game I worked on in the past with another bug problem. :) So your help has been very much appreciated! 

Really love your games by the way! Amazing work! 👍

Thanks again! :)