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I've played the game some, and I think I've gathered all my thoughts on it as it is right now.

Bear in mind that I am speaking about what I would like to see improved, if possible, and I do want to see this game do well! With that said,

1. (Player control): It feels like you have no real chance to be able to do anything about your own fate, as you start with no energy to use cheats, and you build it up so slow. What makes this part less than ideal to me is that if you get hit with a live round and you used the predict ability, there was no point in using the ability, since you are spending 2 energy to get 2 extra energy, meaning a net 0.

1.1 (Abilities): The cheats you do get to be able to use (depending on how lucky you are to survive) don't really benefit you. inserting another round is just a 50/50 that you'll hit one of the others with a live round, assuming the round wouldn't come back around to you if you do, and I've only used the gamble ability once when it looked most beneficial (out of about 6 matches) and the only use for it seems to be hogging one more point if they are both blank, or ending the round early. Past that, I never got to use the other abilities, as I never made it far enough to make use of them without dying anyways.

2. (Gameplay): The idea of having multiple NPCs to go up against is interesting, but because of too many things/shots happening completely out of your control, plus your lack of control (if any) for yourself, almost everything you do leaves you in a rough spot, even if you could use an ability. 

3. (Bug): I am not sure if it was just a fluke, but the first match ended with me dying quickly, but then when I started a new match, I was already on the brink of popping, and when I was left with no choice but to take a live round instantly, I got instantly game-over'd. I tested this in another match and I did start off at max pressure again. After that round ended, I rebooted the game and it worked fine, and that's what I had relied on since in order to keep playing.

Again, I do want to see where this game goes and I do want to see it become successful, so here's to hoping that my comments aside, you get some good constructive feedback! 


I do agree with a lot that you said. The player just mostly sits and watches as everything happens around them, and the cheats are pretty much useless except the really expensive ones. I'm surprised at the difficulty people are saying it is, for my testing plays were usually fairly easy, though almost always neck and neck. Also the Predict ability costs 2 to use, but you get 4 in return (A live round gives 2 energy naturally, so doubling gives 4) allowing you to gain an extra 2 if you are correct on it being live. That being said, it's still very useless. 

This game was inspired by a friend's project of almost the same concept, and they used a total of 4 players at the table as well. I wanted to keep that same idea, but work it into something new, which seemed to be too difficult to work properly. If the game is to move forward, I should start it all again but with maybe a 1v1 playstyle instead, since a 1v4 proved to be too difficult to make actual gameplay out of. 

Also that bug is very possible that i missed it. Replaying on the same play though was barely tested by me, whoops

But thank you for the feedback! I definitely need to fine-tune or entirely rework the game to make it more of a game, and less of a show you'd just watch happen

(1 edit)

Thanks for replying! If I were to make a suggestion, I would agree with a more 1v1 format, and to even out to playing field so that the player isn't just getting buffed, I might suggest a format like the original buckshot roulette where the NPC fan use items for their benefit. However, that would be a lot of code to add, so I understand if you want to at least hold off on that for now. 

(edit: Just overall making it so that the NPC feels more lively would be a good start visually, and in my opinion, after adding more control to the player, but then working on the NPC behavior would be a good start, even if it's just a very simple ability that they can use or something. Just getting a basic start on NPC behavior would be a good setup for very dynamic and fun possible NPC interactions down the line if you develop them over time.)

For now though, I'll hold off on any further suggestions until I see the next version so that I know what I would actually be giving feedback on lol. Godspeed to you!

if you are at 2 energy, the next round is a live, and you use predict, you are left on 4 energy, because predict costs 2 energy to use and gives 2 extra energy, so 2+2+2-2=4, where as if you didn't use predict you would still have 4 energy because a live gives 2 energy on it's own and you already have 2 energy so i's 2+2=4

Oh my god I didn't even realize that not using it will give you the same benefit HAH