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(1 edit)

hilarious and hot haha can't wait for full release, steam wishlisted :D 

At first I found it odd when Ron hearing Zeke's name it didn't ring a bell like "i have son by that name too" something along those lines, yet his whiskers twitching hearing their son's name shows he subconsciously realized at least. I guess not hearing your son's name for at least 20 years will do that, makes sense the more thought about it. I haven't seen my own dad since I was 3, and right now I had to think really hard remembering their name heh. 

lol, yeye the game will get more into that in the full release and it was necessary for Ron and Zeke not to recognize each other for the story I wanted. Glad it made sense to you as that was a common plot point people often brought up lol.

Anyways, glad you liked the game! <3<3<3<3