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I thought the idea and the execution were really well done. While some puzzles were relatively easy to solve, there were a couple that gave me an "aha" moment and those stood out. The graphics could have perhaps done with some work, and the music got a bit grating after a bit, but they got the job done! The jumping felt very "floaty" and imprecise, which made the platforming a bit clumsy. The enemies were also very frustrating to deal with, but perhaps tighter controls would fix that. Overall, a nice game that fitted the theme well.

Hey, thanks for the feedback!  I'm glad that you found some of the puzzles interesting, as that was my main objective with the game.  You aren't the first to mention the jumping feeling off, so I'll definitely go back and fix that if I ever rework the game.  As for the enemies, I had originally hoped to add more variety in enemy type but ran out of time, so I can see why a lot of the enemy placement might be irritating.  Again, thanks for the comment!