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Dang this is a really awesome game, I'm surprised more people haven't played and reviewed this yet! The player feels nice to move around and shoot enemies, collecting the coins are a lot of fun and well separated, the comic book style and lighting in the game makes it look amazing! I only ran into a couple of bugs in the game and I'm not sure if some of them we're intentional or not. (When you shoot collectibles, they fall and when you die and go to the menu and start a new game, it goes back to the score count screen) Great work though and I hope you expand upon this game!

Thanks for the feedback!

"when you die and go to the menu and start a new game, it goes back to the score count screen"

That sounds like a bug. I had a lot of issues with the comic book style scene changes and made a few too many shortcuts for time. I already spent a week of the jam working on the menu instead of the game. XD

Stuff falling when you shoot it is intentional, a lot of the gameplay is based on Jazz Jackrabbit 2, which does the same thing with collectibles. Just an interaction I always liked and wanted to recreate for absolutely no gameplay reason, lol.