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I managed to cross the initial chasm using Verden's leap and Intervention, but after that I was completely stuck. It's impossible to tell where to go, since the terrain all looks the same, and I can't even distinguish the plants from the ground by sight. I think to progress I needed to pick out which grey rock I could jump on from the many grey rocks I could not jump on.

I think this could be pretty good, if I could get a little further. The giant list of spells is definitely enticing. I'm not rating for now since I got stuck, but I might revisit later.

Thank you for playing! Did you figure out the interaction with the third plant? Once you find a permanent status effect that seemingly does nothing, that's the end of the game for now. I'll be working on this more after the jam ends and exploring the ideas further. Did you find all of the plants difficult to spot, or just the third one?

I didn't even see a third plant! I looked around for quite a while, but I kept getting moss on the rocks confused with the plants.

I like how the greyscale looks, especially with the really nice rock texture, but it does get in the way of actually playing the game.