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I LOVE THIS GAME. I finished Zeikun and Kurato's romanitic route and my god!!! (I think Kurato is my fav, but I can't decide) and I'm busy with Junoru

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE make a route for Kaichi,Roya and maybe Chain!? I love them,such interesting characters. I would give my first child just to have these routes. (Im joking but seriously though ♥)

I'm glad multiple characters captured your interest /) v (\
Ahhh, I might consider adding their routes. If the time ever comes, I may create a poll. There are so many side-characters and it's hard to keep track which are the most requested.


I would love that!!! I really do hope you put up a poll sometime soon, I'm Addi Ted to this game now, there's no saving me