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I love the art, I love the wires, I love that there's AI at all. I can't believe you fit all of this in, just, generally. You made really effective use of a small handful of tiles, too. And even tiny dust clouds! So many nice touches.


  • Not that it matters, but you got the button labels backwards in the description; X is X, Z is O.
  • Gravity is REALLY strong, which makes jumping a little frustrating, even early on. It completely ruins that puzzle near the end with the four switches, too, because you jump so quickly that you have a really short window before hitting your head on the ceiling. I spent so much time here arrrgghh.
  • The combat does feel more difficult than it should be, and for artificial reasons, which are the least fun — they can run back to me slightly faster than their iframes run out, and I think they might have slightly longer reach than I do? A couple times I've swung, missed, and then been hit even though neither of us moved. It was okay once I got used to the timing, but I guess it's just not where I expected the difficulty to be.
  • I'm not sure the second shortcut is actually useful? At least, I can't find an easy way to get back to it.
  • It might be helpful to have different sounds for the player being hit vs an enemy being hit.
  • In spots where a wire goes down through the floor, standing above it looks weird, since the wire is behind you but in front of the thing you're standing on. Maybe wires should draw in the foreground, like the girders do?
(1 edit)

I actually expected to have difficulty there, and other than a few jumps not registering (but not knocking me down to the bottom either), I actually got it pretty easily.

Edit: Actually, from a tweet of the section talked about, I was thinking of a different (even more narrow section) than the section shown. I had absolutely no issue with that section personally. *shrug*