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This is really well made for a 4 day game jam!


Very creative and funny concept. It fits the theme well, much cat! Platforming tetris is a great unexplored idea! It took me way too long to realize i have double jump. The style of the game is great!


Practically 10/10 Really amazing graphics, and smooth animations. I saw no visible flaws in the game art and the design is great. I feel like the UI is a bit messy in a way where the important and unimportant parts of the UI get mixed together (especially in the main menu) and the player's eyes will be going all over the screen. But it looks great!

Sound Design:

I LOVED the music, really fitting and fun, the sound design was flawless and thank you for the sound slider <3


Overall this is a very polished and fun experience, and this is something to be really proud of releasing in this state in this short amount of time. AMAZING job! :)