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(2 edits)

Really funny idea that was executed well! Here were my thoughts on each category:

Enjoyment: This thing is right up my alley, I could honestly see myself guessing how big an object would be based on another object irl (wait I should actually do that when I'm bored) and I found it really felt good when getting it correct. I had a few issues in my playthrough, one being on my first times I got spoons which made my second round kinda boring because I already had gone through it, another one was more of a bug which was you can press enter after you guess and it will enter the guess again so I was able to get a pretty good score lol (but honestly finding that was kinda enjoyable)

Creativity: Definitely really creative! I felt like I haven't seen any ideas similar to this and it was a cool interpretation of the theme.

Style: Simplistic graphics that well for this game idea. I think it would've been nice to have at least some kind of texture in the background so it wasn't just blank (even just like a repeating brick image in the same art style would've added a lot). One big thing that made this area take a hit was no sounds but other than that that everything was cohesive and worked well!