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Since you said to report bugs, I think I ran into one when I tried to do the second job at the bar. Unless I'm missing something, I have less than 81 trust, more than 310 desire, more than 15 stamina, and it is WED. Pictures below. Please tell me if I just missed a minor detail.

Additionally, maybe a bug or maybe a feature. some monsters would travel beyond walls when they randomly move in the noncombat areas. Unfortunately didn't take a picture when it happened. May break some peoples immersion, but personally, I'm ok with it since it means less monsters to  deal with at bad times.

Your game is great fun, and I'm sure the full version will be more exciting. Kinda wish I could run to the shop to get garlic and then return to the Inn AND get the cook to make a dish. Additionally, though nothing happened when I left during the day with Bruce, I hope one of them ends up being the orcs from Kyles trip to the tower come looking for him, as Kyle mentions his hotel during the first job with the orc. Again love your game.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! It’s been really helpful to improve the game. Regarding this possible bug, I'll make sure to check it. I had similar problems during the closed test, but I thought it was fixed. Can you join in Male Doll's Discord or send your save file to Concerning to leaving the Hotel during the day with Bruce, you got lucky because 3 events may occur (one good, one bad and one neutral). As for Kyle, Bruce, and Orcs, they will have a SPECIAL moment! Be prepared :>