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Hey , thanks for the message. I really enjoyed playing Shipping Mayhem, I thought the physics made it really interesting,  particularly how the boat reacted to having the containers dropped on it, there was definately a knack to getting them to land without the boat tipping them off.  The containers were quite hard to manage, they moved around alot when you dropped the magnet in, if they moved less it might be easier but where is the fun in that? Thanks again for watching and look forward to more from you!

Do you think it would be more fun to play if the containers were picked up automatically when you got close to them (it is a magnet after all), so all you had to do manually was drop them off?

I think that would make it more difficult to pick the right colour container up. What was difficult was how they interacted with each other, that they were quite mobile, but that was also part of the fun. Maybe if they were was just a longer gap between each container arriving down the slide..?

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm trying to think of how we could translate this concept into a fun little mobile game so that's why I was toying with the idea of auto pick-up. 😁

Ah i see, it might work, how would you release the container?

Current idea is drag left/right/up/down to move around, auto pickup when close, release when you release your finger.