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(1 edit)

Hi there! I just purchased, and I'm loving this so far. Its a little bit of a pain trying to resize everything to a pixel perfect screen, but I'm making my way through it okay. 

I'm currently trying to figure out where in the code the skip feature is used? I want to map it to a different button than the normal advance text button.

I'm also attempting to add an export variable onto the character script for changing between voice sound files. My current endeavors on this are not going too well. 

(1 edit)

In you have these lines which call the next() function:

func _input(event):
  if Input.is_action_just_pressed(dialogue_next_input):

As you can see the button for skipping the dialogue is called dialogue_next_input which can be changed in Project > Project Settings > Input Map > dialogue_next - by default it's [Space].

As for the voice sounds, you can add an export variable to characters, like this: export (AudioStream) var sound and then in start_message() in and add something like $ = MSG.current_speaker.sound. That should work (haven't tested it though).

I hope that answers your questions :)

(3 edits)

Yes, I understood that far- perhaps I wasn't clear. When you press spacebar, the dialogue continues to the next line, but if you press space bar early, it skips the writing step. I want to split the functionality between that continue button and the skip feature into two different buttons, for instance, I could press "A" to continue the dialogue to the next line. But if I wanted to skip through the dialogue I want to press "B" instead of "A." Currently its a one button fits both situations, with the space key.

As for AudioStream, that worked! There's only one bug with this that I can see; the stream isn't set back to a default if stream file is null, so if null, the speaker will have the same voice as the last speaker. I'm looking into now 

" but if you press space bar early, it skips the writing step": I found out, that in my project the input map (Project > Project Settings -> Input Map >") ui_accept also used the space bar, therefore it skipped the writing step! Just remove the spacebar from ui_accept solves the issue!

Finishing the line and continue to the next line are mapped to the same button based on how this code is written; remapping the spacebar to the "e" key for instance will still cause the line to skip or finish when you press it. No matter what you remap the button to, you can still mash the one button in order to finish the dialogue. It needs to be rewritten to provide the functionality I'm talking about. I wanted to remap the skip text feature to a separate button in order to prevent players from accidentally missing dialogue. Keeping skip on a separate button makes the action more intentional.