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Not sure what to expect going into this game, but the first thing that caught my attention was the bearded team member and his glued on beard. The characters have some serious personality though, so that is refreshing.

The inn is barren of life, how little traffic does this town get? The only people I've found are shop keepers who are selling lackluster items.

The exterior map looks nice, it is a pretty town, but inside is another story, perhaps this is why the people left? They got tired of how bad their houses looked? What is the point of a weapon shop that only sells what you already have equipped? The economy of this place must be in the pits. At least I can get new armor.

Finally found the pub and an obviously evil woman is leaving as I enter. I am pretty sure she just wiped the town out. The language just changed mid dialogue with no explanation? Have no idea what happened.

The pub is also barren but my team doesn't seem to notice, are they that used to being alone?

Suddenly conflict! There are now random people in the town who were not here before. Magic.

I guess I am joining in this conflict without provocation or reason? I am just assuming who the bad guys are.

Hmm only the hero's skills have descriptions, guess I'm just gonna wing it. First fight looks like a boss fight, hope this goes well.

Well no wonder the skills have no description, they do less damage than my regular attacks, so are useless. My characters seem to be surrounded by a white box like aura when they attack, must be divine intervention.

Combat is a bit of a bore, simply spammed attack and didn't even get all that badly hurt.

It seems that was the end of the game.

Overall The game felt lacking, it wasn't even really an intro. I have no idea who was who or what was what or why was why. I felt like there was a lot of potential for backstory but it was only mentioned, like your cousin that no one really wants around but still feels obligated to talk about. The lack of npcs or mapping really hurt the game and the combat was really boring. Over all this game should take it's potential backstory and start over from the ground up.