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I do not know what is happening, but I have 66 seconds in this game and I am probably going to panic the entire time. Here we go!

Title screen is on fire, no sense of urgency felt there.

Game starts with a D&D session going horribly wrong, typical.

Dave, and his hot fresh, never frozen, patties are going to save the day.

Well that was madness, the game is an anxiety attack waiting to happen. I ran into some monsters, found a scroll to give me some more time, jumped from a rat and died in a swamp.

Overall the game is cute and a fun little madness, but despite the that maps hurt my soul in a way that may never be repaired. The goal of the game was to make you run around and find an item, probably randomly generated, but even with that some effort to make the maps look good while doing that would have gone a long way. I enjoyed my time with it over all though and would love to see the idea expanded.