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Hello I came across this and like the looks of it, but I didn't like not being able to dash. I don't know if that was does on purpose or a bug but I think from the looks of the maps they may be smaller than usual and that's the reason, but I still would like the ability to dash. Let me know if you're happy to add that and I could try the game again then, if you are happy to add that.

The removal of the dash is intentional to signify the trademark 'Belmont stride' from the Castlevania series. Because of this, the maps are quite small. If this becomes a recurring issue I shall remove it in the next version though.

I can understand where you are coming from, for me though I'd still prefer an option to dash, if you do give the option in future let me know and I'd be happy to give the game a go. There's no problem with small maps, I haven't seen much but the map I saw and the screenshot maps you display look good!