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Zephyr is dead 


looks like it, i blame discord, it ruins everyone


bahaha... it was me who destroyed discord. Not the other way 

OoH hOw scArY!1 thE guY wHO dIstRoYeD diScOrD!!1!1

who are you? you dont seem very nice

hes an old player, but he went to discord pelican server (plspls dont go there u’ll regret life) and he became mean like (almost) every other person there


i dont have discord 

I respect you 💯




i'd rather have discord than instagram or tiktok ☠

Ow... 😢

Yeah 😎👍 



So you're enjoying your life 😅😏👍


So saaad 😭

Btw my "older brother" (I call one of my best friends like that XD) forced me to install it...



Oof you can you know

Just not have listened to him!?

Also you can just uninstall it if u dont like it

You know I also have just partly benefited from it 😅👍

For great missions 😎

he's chill mostly 

how r u here then? u a robot :o

yes :o

:O 🤖 
