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I made the "destructible ground" thing as a way to have a bit of change in the stage, and usually the camera doesn't climb high enough that the ground isn't visible while in the air, but i think it's not that visible because of the over abundance of grey in the stage, i'll see how i could change that, but probably when i tackle a visual update :p

Glad you liked the animation XD it's not much but i wanted to try this to see how it went to have a mini kinda "cutscene" 
At first to keep the game simple i wanted to keep the game only score oriented with just the fail conditions ending gameplay, but now that you mention it, it surely would be more satisfying to have a way to win as well other than improving one's score, i'll see how i could make this work out without denaturing the game and also considering my very beginer dev status XD

Noted for the combo thing, i'll add it to the final stat screen upon game over, but i'll probably display the high score only during gameplay to not clutter the screen more :)