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(1 edit)

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your lovely and thoughtful words! I’m honored that my story was the first you commented on! This story has always had a special place in my heart and it’s honestly been a lot of fun rewriting as an IF, and it makes me so happy to hear others enjoying it! When I wrote this years ago I was definitely a big dystopian fan myself, and novels like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 were a big influence on me, so I’m not surprised you caught those vibes.

And I definitely agree, it would be nice to have save files, but unfortunately Chapbook doesn’t support that feature. I went with Chapbook because it’s easiest to learn, but I also really like the way the display looks more like a novel, and I’m old school, lol. But I agree with you that it’s a bit of a bummer not to have that feature.

I’m glad you like the music and art, too! I feel so fortunate to have found Isabela, she really is talented!

Thank you again for the comment, you made my day! ❤️

(3 edits)

Thank you for the reply! And as I said, after reading this work, I couldn't not show my adoration for it, so I'm glad to have this work to be the first (and quite possibly only) one I commented on.

And that makes sense about Chapbook, I've never made IFs of any kind nor know anything about Twine, so I'm good to just be able to read this in the first place. I've seen other comments asking about the save system as well, but there's no pressure to try to create one. If I want to remake a choice, I'll happily just quickly replay. I've done that plenty of times with other IFs when the last save point I made was further back in the story than I thought. And I agree about the novel-like format of Chapbook, it seems to fit with the writing well!

Dystopia/post-apocalypse is definitely an amazing genre, I used to take a class entirely focused on dystopian writing. Fahrenheit 451 is a great book, I've read it multiple times, though I can only say I read about a third of 1984 because the interactions and thought processes of Winston and Julia were kind of... uncomfortable. Though I can understand fans of book because from what I remember, the world 1984 created was very interesting and I saw many parallel concepts to real life.

I'm also glad that this is the kind of story that you've already written before and are remaking into an IF, meaning it's more likely that you'll actually finish this. It's so hard to find good quality and completed IFs on 😭

Oh, there was also another compliment I forgot to give in my last comment! I thought the animal naming was really creative, it makes sense that everyone would name themselves after something they've only read in books. I didn't even connect the dots that they were all named after animals until I got to that part of the story. 😅And I had never seen the limited option of what to name yourself before, most other IFs allow you to type your own name into it, so I was surprised about that!

I completely agree about the unfinished IFs here. It makes me sad when I find an excellent story, then realize that the last update was years ago. 😭 After building this in Twine I do have a better understanding of the work and time it takes, especially if you’re doing branching paths. That being said, yes, this will definitely be a finished IF! Chapters 8 and 9 together will be the next update and I anticipate that in a couple of weeks.

Also I’m glad you liked the naming conventions! I was a little concerned about limiting your own name, because you’re right, most IFs you can choose your own. So I tried to give a breadth of interesting choices.

Thank you, again!