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(3 edits)

the zip file that includes the cheats and walkthrough for the new version doesn't have an extract option on windows, it tries to open it as a program.

Not quite sure what happened with it but I had to download the version without the guide and cheats just so i could extract a working version of the newest update

It was created with Winrar.

Which software do you use on your pc to extract files?

(1 edit)

I use zipware, which hasnt had any issues before now, with this game or any others, in fact the copy that doesnt have the guide and cheats for v0.73.1 extracted with no difficulties. The option to extract it with zipware doesnt even show up on the copy with the guide

Trying adding .rar in the end of the name of the file. Let's see if that way zipware recognizes the file.

Gave that a try and it seems to berhave properly now, but in doing so I noticed that the copy without the guide uses .zip instead of .rar, could that be affecting it?


Oh, It is possible. Then add .zip in that one.

Glad to know you solved it!