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I've ran about 8 sessions of your system now. Admittedly I have hacked/added a few elements which I like from other MotO games but the core is still there. 

I really like what you've done.

Just finished with one group and currently running another (and then possibly another) though a 6ish session campaign which I've written about Shinobi Assassins. I used the point crawl tips of Electric Bastionland to help build it. 

Having the setting predefined is a great idea but leaving it the GM to flesh out the specifics with useful tools and spark tables etc is a great way to go. See Carin 2e, Electric Bastionland, Swyvers etc. I always understand a setting more deeply if I've been part of the build process and a GM understanding the setting might just be biggest indicator of success of any game... 

I would have personally benefited from are more concise spark tables, and organised into a 'world building procedure' (eg; Cities / Urban, Villages / Rural, Factions, Merchants, NPC's, Monsters, POI's, Weird Items etc) than what the book currently offers - but this is only because you're asking! 

My unsolicited thoughts on hex/point crawls... while I do like hexcrawls... point crawls are SO much easier to manage and run in my opinion, with just as much narrative pay off as a hex. The tools in Cairn 2e and EB are a great source of how to help a GM out here.

Is either 'Crawl' needed in this version? Not at all. Is it something you would like to do? A one shot opening adventure wouldn't be out of place, but even then...? Up to you... If you do decide to do a crawl, I would maybe put it towards the end of your work schedule, that way you can at least get something released before sinking too much time.

Regardless, I watch on with interest... 

Woah, 8 sessions?!! That’s awesome! Curious what elements you’ve brought in from elsewhere - I really enjoy the modular nature of Odd/Cairn games, really helps playgroups build for their own tastes.

On organization and more - admittedly, I’m still trying to get that down. Part of that is the nature of my development (Oh! I should add a table for. . .) but also nailing down user flow. There certainly is no one way to do it, but I definitely need to figure a way to get this more organized.

I’m leaning toward pointcrawls lately, in part because of Cairn 2e and your point on them being easier to manage and run. Also, the more I play with them the more hexcrawls feel like a better tool for exploring unknown territories and worlds where this setting lends itself to more established maps and routes (to a degree). Terrain based encounter tables can still exist and be just as easy to use in a hexcrawl system so folks can swap if they want.

Thanks for the feedback - and for playing the game! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.