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Generally at first I wasn't so sure about the models utilized for some of the LI's (Kana, Mana, Touka), but they eventually grew on me and it was no longer distracting, not suggesting there is anything wrong, just had to give it a bit, glad I did though. All of the models in their own way feel unique, at least for the primary LI's and easy to recognize as well, allowing to put names to the faces easier.

I feel like the pacing overall was very solid, it didn't feel rushed or too slow, it had me suspensed at times (how dare you play with my heart smh) and emotional at others, allowing a pretty captivating story. Glad you didn't go with the rotue of constant intercourse, would of definitely ruined the pacing (IMO) and less deserving overall, especially with the story you were trying to portray.
Another thing to add, Miko, Mira and Suzu are must protecc, glad you didn't make Suzu a one trick pony by being a constant tsundere, would of easily made her worse if so IMO

By far my favorites have to be Mira though, she is just a bundle of joy that MUST be protected by all costs, I swear to all things unholy in this Crimson-verse, if she doesn't stay a happy goofball by the end of this, we're going to have problems BUSTER. All jokes aside, the characters were great, but my only real criticism is the feeling of time progressing. Let me elaborate though. It, for me at least, was hard to keep track of the days, but this could be just a consequence of how I played it in 2 irl Days.

Although mentioning Mornin, Noon, Evening & such definitely helped, but I'd probably would of liked something that helped us keep track of time, allowing me to get a general sense of what is when. Obviously I saw your other posts in the comments and understand that you are way too preoccupied with actually actively developing the main story, so this is more for the future when development wraps up, at least in the case of the story part and not an immediate thing that should be thought of, just pointing out a personal thought about this.

Back to characters though, I felt like every character was unique in some way and didn't feel like a drag whatsoever to actually read our interactions with them. Miko, Mira, Suzu, Mana and Nagisa were a joy. Yes, the very confusing and totally not at all a plant to help guide us through our harem routes, is a joy. Miko was great and always happy to see interactions with her, she was way too adorable for her own good. Suzu had me rolling my eyes at first when we first came to help her, but thankfully that changed quickly, I genuinely don't think I would of liked Suzu quite as much if she hadn't changed her behavior, especially since I'm a very anti tsundere character tripe person (genuinely loathe it, it's way too popular and just not a fun read IMO) so to see her change was nice. Mana was adorable too and I hope in the future we get more fun interactions with her and her sister, kind of felt in the later Chapters that she barely made any appearances, would of wanted to see an aftermath from a couple days later for the siblings, seeing how they're holding up together after being apart for so long. Nagisa is confusing but great, I still can't place my finger on what she is, although that was a continued problem through the game (I had presumed Yui was some sort of cat before it was revealed she was a sheeple, I tried though, what cat doesn't just eat, sleep and eat again?), so unless I'm just quite dense and she's an actual Vampire and I somehow missed a line somewhere, I hope we at least get a somewhat explanation of her behavior in the future, although her "father" sure is a good explanation in this factor. Finally Mira, God where do I begin with this loaf of joy. Mira is best character hands down, no competition. I had my distrust towards her at first, but it genuinely just feels like she's a person that couldn't even hurt a fly even if she wanted to, of which, I hope continues to be a trend with her, must protecc that innocence (I will sue if otherwise). Hope to get more Mira interactions soon, already missing that goofball and maybe next update we'll see more of her, fingers crossed.

Overall though, I feel like CH is probably one of the best VNs I've read overall, with the pacing of the story, the characters and the sometimes comedic nature of the game helps raise it's stacture as probably one of the best around, without sacrificing it's livelier moments with the characters.

Wow, that's quite the feedback. Thanks for your in-depth comment and the kind words, mate! And sorry for the late reply, life has kept me busy lately.

One part in particular I want to address is the aftermath of what happened with Mana and Hina. I know it's been a while since the last update with either of them, but keep in mind that that's mostly due to the time scale of the game. In-game, only two days have passed since we first met Hina and reunited her with Mana. There will absolutely be more content with both of them, but for the story's sake, I wanted to give them some time with just each other (and Reina), to properly acclimate to their new life. I felt like it would've been strange for Hina and especially Mana to just go back to normal day-to-day business, despite everything they went through. Mana, for example, hasn't been back to school yet, either.

I appreciate hearing about your thoughts. :)